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Sunday, April 13: Tacoma Cult Movie Club Potluck

The Acme Tavern

Rev. Colin is the man behind the Tacoma Cult Movie Club film projector.

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Most 5-year-olds are, by the time that birthday rolls around, preparing to go to kindergarten, learning numerals and reading, and figuring out how to tie their shoelaces. But there's a 5-year-old I know who's advanced beyond all that. This one is preparing to go to the Acme Tavern, learning what moments from their collection of Grade-Z films excite and disgust an audience, and figuring out how to tie on one at the bar. The urchin of whom I speak is, of course, the Tacoma Cult Movie Club. Sunday evening they celebrate their fifth anniversary with a marathon viewing session featuring releases from Seattle's Something Weird Video - in honor of Mike Vraney, SWV's founder, who passed away Jan. 2 of this year. There's also a potluck, so be sure to bring "something weird" (or normal) to eat that you can share with others. The event starts at 4 p.m. and goes, according to host Rev. Colin, "until they either kick us out or attendance drops off." Either way, TCMC will be staying up way past their usual bedtime.

TACOMA CULT MOVIE CLUB FIFTH ANNIVERSARY POTLUCK, 4 p.m., Sunday, April 13, The Acme Tavern, 1310 Tacoma Ave. S., Tacoma, no cover, Facebook

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