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Thursday, July 28: Super Best of Tacoma Party

Varsity Grill

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Naturally, you harbor fantasies of partying with the Weekly Volcano's staff. You dream of body shots with Meat Market correspondent and all-around dreamboat Brett Cihon, or at least thoughtful, quiet conversations with art writer Kristin Kendle. You want to talk dive bars with Steph DeRosa, or local restaurants with Jennifer Johnson. Hell! Maybe you just want to give asshole editor Matt Driscoll a piece of your mind. Thursday, with the release of the Volcano's Super Best of Tacoma 2011 Issue and the corresponding big-ass bash at Varsity Grill starting at 6 p.m., you'll get the chance for all of that and more!

PREDICTION: Someone's calling in sick Friday. We're calling it now.

[Varsity Grill, 6-10 p.m., no cover, 1114 Broadway, Tacoma, 253.627.1229]

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