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Sunday, July 3: Slam Dunk


Slam Dunk / photo courtesy of Facebook

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Over the past decade, there has been an increased focus in indie rock on catharsis - of not shying away from emotion, of not acting cool about the weight of the world. Slam Dunk continue that celebration of emotion. At their best, their songs have a jubilant, giant sound that very effectively carries the listener along on a wave of cathartic energy. (Not to sound New Age-y about it.) Maybe a more appropriate comparison would be their name: Slam Dunk. Their music sounds like a buzzer-beating slam dunk in the middle of a packed arena - that collective release of tension when a crowd of thousands simultaneously rises to its feet. I'm quite certain this catharsis is persuasive to even the hardest of basketball-and-rock-and-roll-hating hearts. Try not to be the last person to remain seated. 

[Northern, with Pat Jordache, Greek Life, 8 p.m., $5, 321 Fourth Ave., Olympia]

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