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Saturday, March 26: Tacoma's Metal Choice Awards

Hell's Kitchen


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Typically, awards shows are the worst. Bobble Tiki would rather endure a root canal without anesthetic than tune in for the Grammys, Golden Globes or even Oscars. It's like watching paint dry ... only more boring and predictable. Saturday, however, an awards frenzy to end all awards frenzies will enrapture Hell's Kitchen in Tacoma, as the 2011 Tacoma Metal Choice Awards will be handed out - honoring our area's top metal band as voted on by devil-horn waving fans of the South Sound (via the Internet) throughout February. Billed as a "red carpet event," the Metal Choice Awards this Saturday at Hell's Kitchen will feature scene stalwarts like UnHailoed, Devils of Loudon, Faces Pale, After the Fallout and Plague Ships - all of whom will no doubt be in fine form when it comes time for an acceptance speech. Also, expect surprise metal guests. It's going to be very Tacoma, and very awesome. 

[Hell's Kitchen, 9 p.m., $5, 928 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.759.6003]

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