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Saturday, Oct. 2: Gnar At The Bar After Party

O'Malley's Irish Pub

Todd Sykes will kickturn some rhymes Saturday night.

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What is the preferable way to cleanse one's palette following an exhilarating skateboarding competition? If you grabbed a pen and wrote "a concert that features punk, reggae and hip-hop bands" in the margin of this week's paper, then you, sir, would be correct. You will be pleased to know

O'Malley's was two steps ahead of you.  They assembled the likes of Mighty High, CFA and City Hall for an after party designed to rock the Vans off the skate punks gathered during the day for the Oktobersesh Gnar at the Bar all-ages skateboard competition - to be held in the lot beside O'Malley's starting at 2 p.m. Saturday. The after party kicks off at 7 p.m. and includes City Hall, who most will know better as EvergreenOne and Todd Sykes. The laid-back and cleverly Tacoma-centric rap duo who will be working in total yin/yang opposition to CFA's down and dirty punk rock, possibly resulting in auditory whiplash. 

[O'Malley's Irish Pub, City Hall, Mash Hall, Mighty High, CFA, Walk the Plank, 7 p.m., 21+, no cover, 2403 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.627.9403]

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