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Saturday, June 19: "Quiet Shoes"

Rialto Theater

RICK SAVAGE: Gambler ... loner ... boob. When it says pull, he pushes. Photo courtesy of

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Directed by Issac Olsen, written by Olsen and Kurt Kendall, and starring Dale Phillips, the film centers around a private dick by the name of Savage - Rick Savage. When a suspicious-looking dame enters his life, the dick is thrown into a world of intrigue, cigarettes, shadows, tough guys with iron claws, upstart newsies and crooked cops. In a word: noir.

In fashioning this world, Olsen brilliantly utilizes downtown and industrial Tacoma. Around every corner an alleyway looms, and on every horizon great plumes of smoke lurk. It's a thrill to see Tacoma finally used to all its gritty potential.

Quiet Shoes world premiere

Saturday, June 19, 7 p.m., $12
Rialto Theater, 3105 Ninth St., Tacoma

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