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Manager, Broadway Center Conservatory

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When it comes down to saying things simply for shock value, this girl just about has me beat. I’ll be honest, during this particular Trouble with DeRosa interview, the frantic request, “Don’t put that in there” came out of her mouth more than a handful of times.

Being a longtime loyal fan of Broadway Center Conservatory’s education program, I always leave the time spent with Nyree spewing that inside-joke kind of belly laugh for the rest of the day and grinning from ear to ear. I think it’s about time the general Weekly Volcano readership had a censored synopsis of what goes on in a Nyree and Steph DeRosa conversation.
DEROSA: Another Broadway Conservatory summer camp is coming up.  What’s the plan?

NYREE MARTINEZ: Oh, you’d love it. We’re going to do a production of Alice in Wonderland.

DEROSA: You’re right, I would love it!  What is the age range?

MARTINEZ: They can be kids ages 6 to 18. You want to do it, don’t you?

DEROSA: Oh you know I do. What parts would reflect my personality the most?

MARTINEZ: Hmmm … either the Queen of Hearts or the Mad Hatter.

DEROSA: What? How so?

MARTINEZ: The Queen of Hearts because she’s a bawdy and loud character.


MARTINEZ: And the mad Hatter because he knows how to throw a good party.

DEROSA: Perfect! Can I really be a part of the show?

MARTINEZ: No, it’s for 6- to 18-year-olds.

DEROSA: What if I’m at the maturity level of a 16-year-old?

MARTINEZ: As true as that may be, I have to say no on that one. We’re still having the carpet replaced from the last time we let you inside the theater.

DEROSA: Yeah and I told you not to cash that check until September. Jerk. And I bet if I was a good looking 37-year-old man with the maturity level of a 16-year-old you’d accept him, wouldn’t you?

MARTINEZ: Of course I would.

DEROSA: I bet you’d offer him private acting lessons, too.

MARTINEZ: I would call you a pervert, but I think Lacey in the marketing department would actually give a good looking man private lessons.

DEROSA: She’s going to kill you for saying that. I’m putting that in Trouble with DeRosa.

MARTINEZ: Yeah, and I still think you’re a bawdy and immature pervert, so we’re even.

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Young and old

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