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The Pitbull comes to Tacoma

Bobby Slayton on Jimmy Olsen, 1022 and the Holy City Zoo

Bobby Slayton / Photo credit:

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When I call Bobby Slayton, he picks up and immediately starts talking. It takes him mentioning Tacoma for me to realize that I've not reached a voicemail. And then it's off to the races.

Bobby Slayton is a veteran comedian, a road warrior who's been at it for more than 30 years, a man given the moniker "Pitbull of Comedy" somewhere along the line - and it actually fits.

"How old are you?" says Slayton toward the beginning of what became a half-hour phone interview.

"I'm 22," I say.

"OK, so you're a kid," says Slayton. "Jimmy Olsen - let me call you Jimmy Olsen. Don't call me chief. ... What's really frightening is I've been married longer than you've been alive! Holy fuck, you're really making me feel old."

Slayton is a real pro. After a few minutes in conversation, it becomes abundantly clear to me that he's done a million interviews in his time as a comic, and that nothing could be more natural than speaking to a perfect stranger about the business.

Over the course of the interview, Slayton and I discuss his beginnings in comedy, coming up in San Francisco at the Holy City Zoo in the '70s with people like Robin Williams, Dana Carvey and Kevin Pollak.

"I don't know what happened to any of those guys, I think they're all fucking gone," says Slayton. "I don't watch TV a lot. Point is, I'm coming to Tacoma. You don't see fucking Dana Carvey coming to the Tacoma Comedy Club."

Slayton, for having done comedy for so long, has a remarkable memory for both the good things and the bad things he's encountered on the road. Unprompted, he mentions he was in Tacoma a few months ago playing the Emerald Queen Casino and had some drinks at 1022 South.

"Tacoma's got a cool little downtown," says Slayton. "(1022 South) had great cocktails. I love that bar."

I spoke with Slayton for half an hour, and there's not a dull moment on the tape. But, as funny as he is in conversation, do yourself a favor and see him on stage.

Bobby Slayton

Friday, July 22-Saturday, July 23, 8 and 10:30 p.m., $15
Tacoma Comedy Club, 933 Market St., Tacoma

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