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Trudge toward equality

Out in the Park 2010 is an inclusive celebration in support of the South Sound's LGBT community

OUT IN THE PARK: It's totally inclusive. Gay and straight stuffed animals are encourages to attend.

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Has it already been a year since the last Out in the Park? It seems like only yesterday I nestled down in the grass of sunny Wright Park to watch the performances of several stunning drag queens and kings at Tacoma's annual gay pride event.

This year promises to maintain that fabulousness, followed by after-parties at places like The Mix, Club Silverstone and the Tempest.

I spoke with Marcus Gronzo, interim manager of Rainbow Center and board member of Out in Tacoma, about what we could expect from the festivities this year.

"We have an awesome lineup on the stage this year," says Gronzo. "We have [Tacoma Mayor Marilyn Strickland] coming to open up the ceremonies. She is going to come on and deliver a proclamation and get us moving."

Interspersed with performances from drag queens, dance troupes, Rocky Horror numbers, and DJ and band sets, Gronzo tells me there will be speeches from local politicians and a performance from a "contemporary Christian group." One of the prevailing themes of the all-day event seems to be inclusiveness, as evidenced by the wide array of people and performers expected to attend.

"It's important to celebrate who we are as the LGBT community," Gronzo tells me. "But it's also important to do that while making a connection to the larger community. Out in the Park has always been a family event, and it's important to not lose sight of that."

These days, it's easy to get down about the molasses-speed at which human rights are getting closer to fruition in this country. It's beyond ridiculous that obtaining, for the gay community, the same rights the hetero community already possesses and abuses has required such teeth pulling. Letdowns like President Obama's lack of initiative in the advancement of gay rights don't do much to improve morale.

All of this can be disheartening. But it's vital to recognize that, molasses-speed though it may be, advances are being made in the name of LGBT rights. It may take longer than we might like, but as Dan Savage once said, and as I took to heart, all of the old, angry, detestable, anti-gay bigots on the other side are slowly dying off. The LGBT community and the people who support them are winning.

Events like the Pride Parade and Out in the Park exist as helpful reminders that those in the LGBT community are surrounded by supporters. It's a long row to hoe, but we're getting there. In the meantime, it couldn't hurt to take out some time for a celebration every once in a while.

Out in the Park 2010

Saturday, July 10, 12-7 p.m.
Wright Park, Division and I Street, Tacoma

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