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Junkyard Gang debut CD

Plus: Afrok and Hill-B

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The umbrella of Olympia hip-hop promotion powerhouse Homeland Security can be a big shadow to operate beneath. As the only booking group/promotion company that I have witnessed consistently throw shows at least twice a month for more than a year now, HS has established a lot of credibility in terms of bringing local and national talent to The 25360 and more importantly, they are not a flash in the pan. What with all of the cats that are rappers one day and bagging groceries as a career the next, HS operates under the guise of “consistency.” They get it in! So, when HS subsidiary Junkyard Gang sets off their new album, Where In The World Is Taylor Jones?, with a party at The China Clipper tomorrow night (Friday March, 20) you might want to see what they do and how they do it. Junkyard Gang is composed of HS’ version of Power Grant from The Wu-Tang, Nicatine, Q-Storm and D-Minus. The Westside’s finest will be in the house.

Joining Junkyard at their record release party is a who’s who of Puget Sound hip-hoppers. Seattleite heavyweight personality Billy The Fridge will play host and introduce every type of performer from B-Boys, to MCs/Emcees, DJays and a live band. The 25360’s MC of The Year, Xperience will join his homeboys on stage and for the inner-dancer in you, The Dance Broomz will certainly take it to the floor and rock the house over some breaks and beats engineered by none other than the dope DJ, Deadbeat. Deadbeat rocks HS’ nights at The Royal Lounge and holds down Thursdays when there are not any shows. Finally, but not at all lame — The Balls Out Booze Band will do the “live band” thing and surely provide improvisation and something to rock to. Check ’em out. The makings of a fun evening and dope hip-hop experience are on the menu.

Afrok ... doing music and business

As The 25360 hip-hop scene continues to grow and develop, many personalities and opportunities to explore will present themselves. One cat who I like is an Olympia-bred MC by the name of Afrok. I see this cat all over the place getting his grind on and bringing a quality stage show with him when he touches the stage. What I enjoy most about him as a DJ/Programmer on-air, is that he creates product that is radio-ready. Along with the quality of his art, he is actually seeking ways for the public to access it. As anybody with 10 seconds of experience in the independent music scene can tell, commercial radio ain’t studdin’ ya!’ College and public radio are established to support alternative art and media and will listen and offer an opportunity for airplay much quicker than commercial. Afrok wisely creates clean edits to go with his explicit ones, so programmers like me can play indie music without risking a $300,000 fine from the Federal Communications Commission for playing obscenities. I think that it is elementary business practice to create radio-ready music, but in reality it is not — because of all of the so-called artists that I have recommended this route to radio-play to, Afrok is of but a handful who has made the effort to get his stuff on air. Therefore, if it is clean — I can play it. And most notably in the case of Afrok’s music, I’m feelin’ it!

Former Husky Hill-B to scrap one album and begin another

Finally, the mega-album from ex-University of Washington Husky, Denver Bronco and Seattle Seahawk, Hill-B, aka Hillary Butler (Lakewood, OG!), has been scrapped, and he will re-enter the studio to create a completely different EP, according to Kitty Wu of Devastator Management and Communications. Hill-B was recently released from federal prison after serving nearly three years for narcotics trafficking. “Hill-B has been working hard in legal avenues, is living a positive lifestyle and is looking forward to the next chapters in his life,” says Wu.

Winners Train, Losers Complain   … Do Yo’ Thang!!!

Peace & Love


Jose S. Gutierrez Jr. is an editor, writer and producer. A graduate of Washington State University and student at The Evergreen State College, he writes and edits the Pacific Northwest section of OZONE Magazine and hosts and produces Live From I-5 Radio (since ’89) every Friday at 3 p.m. on KAOS 89.3 FM ( in Olympia.

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