Taking the "un" off Safeway

Checking in on the M Street store remodel

By Kris Blondin on June 9, 2010

I can't run. I can't hide. I'm being stalked. Not by an ex-boyfriend, which by the way has happened to me and it sucked, but by a grocery chain. Yes, you heard me right - a grocery chain - Safeway.

It's not like they know who I am or anything, just everywhere I turn - mailbox, newspaper, email - everyday Safeway is wearing my down little by little with some fantastic offer to lure me into one of their two newly remodeled stores in our area. They are relentless, and it's working.

Last week I gave you all my two-cents on the Proctor store, so this week you get to hear about the newly remodeled Safeway on South 12th and M. They prefer that we refer to it as the "M Street Safeway" rather than the Hilltop Safeway, or worse yet the Un-Safeway.

Sadly, the powers that be at this Safeway feel that the word "Hilltop" still carries a negative connotation to many people in the area. I can't argue with this logic, but the store is in Hilltop and we shouldn't forget that this part of Tacoma carries some important and significant history along with the name.

Anyway, back to the store, while the Proctor store had many more obvious changes and additions, I believe the M Street store's remodel will be much more impacting. First of all, my sense of smell is extremely keen, and when I walked into the store my nose picked-up "new" - as in how a new car smells. There is something very delightful about the smell of newness.

Next, just like the Proctor store, the new and improved "lifestyle" lighting. Soft, earth-toned paint colors on the walls compliment the indirect lighting. Most grocery stores are lit to make you feel like you're being interrogated when you shop with bright blinding lights that seem to say, "buy your groceries and get the hell out." These new Safeway stores want you to stay.

The baked goods department (no bakery at this store) has moved from the produce area to the far left side near the meat department. I believe there are more baked goods than before, which include cakes, cookies, tarts and more specialty breads.

The meat department plans to offer some higher-end cuts including New York steaks, tenderloins and veal.

Across the meat aisle, something caught my eye - ah, the wine aisle that is at least three times as big as it used to be! Clearly dominated by the mass produced, mega-wineries of California and Washington, but still a great improvement.

While this Safeway doesn't have an actual deli, the biggest hit so far has been the grab and go pre-made sandwiches and salads, conveniently placed in the front of the store near the checkout. You can also find heat and serve soup, you-bake pizzas and dinner entrees. I think the key here is convenience and they weren't able to offer that in this store before.

Produce has expanded into much of the pharmacy area, with the customer waiting area neatly tucked behind their new floral department. When I was there it was still a little sparse on selection, but it was clear to me they planned to add more.

One interesting note, there is still only one entrance/exit to the store and it has been moved from the south end of the store to the north end.

Regardless, I am very encouraged by this much-needed facelift and hope you too will checkout all the positive changes to this once sad little Safeway. For those of us in Central Tacoma, Hilltop and downtown, let's all do our best to show some support.


1112 S. M St., Tacoma