One woman’s work to support troops

By Melissa Renahan on November 5, 2010

I feel privileged that I can be part of something so much bigger," said Vicky Mohler, Puyallup resident and longtime fixture on the local scene of supporting servicemembers. Her connection to the military comes from both her father's 29-year career in the Air Force and the fact that her daughter, Melissa, served in the Army as a medic and her son, Aaron, served two tours of duty in the Marine Corps.

It was during her son's deployment to Iraq in 2004 that Mohler realized she needed to do something and quickly put together Operation Santa, in which she adopted her son's battalion and sent over 900 Christmas stockings and 3,000 lbs of goods to the Marines and co-located military troops in Iraq for the holidays. What began as a holiday project for just 700 Marines has now evolved into a full-scale non-profit program called Support America's Armed Forces (SAAF), which operates as a nonprofit since it is a subcommittee member of the Pierce Military and Business Alliance.

"The primary reason I continue to do this is the impact it has on those we help," Mohler explained. "The people that I have met in the past six and a half years have inspired me and my life is better and fuller because of it."

In addition to sending packages, the organization also helps out by providing Thanksgiving food baskets and Christmas trees for families that cannot afford them. They also contribute to fundraising for redeployment homecoming celebrations and often visit elementary schools to help children with deployed parents.

One of her favorite instances was when SAAF was instrumental in motivating people to give an injured soldier and his family a vehicle so that they could get back and forth to the doctor.

"It may just be one soldier, but its one that we can help," she said.

In a normal day, Mohler spends about two hours a day working on SAAF related business, from networking to answering emails to picking up or sending out shipments. During the holiday season that amps up to four or five hours a day, which is in addition to her fulltime job as an analyst for Boeing. In fact, she often spends her lunchtime promoting SAAF at various community meetings.

However, she is quick to point out that she doesn't run SAAF by herself. She works closely on all SAAF projects with Carlene Joseph, Herb Schmeling and Dan Rogers. Though sometimes, she is rewarded for her personal dedication.

"It meant so much," Mohler said of her induction this fall to the Joint Base Lewis-McChord Civilian Hall of Fame. "I know my dad is smiling down at me when I am recognized for the SAAF work."

Mohler is also busy promoting an upcoming care package collection event that is being run by both SAAF and AUSA. On December 4, members of both groups will be collecting specific items (for example, beef jerky, granola bars, sunscreen, toothbrushes and deodorants) at the Top Foods in Puyallup, 201- 37th Ave SE, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The care packages will be put together onsite and immediately handed over to chaplains from JBLM to be sent out to deployed servicemembers.

"This is a way to make good things happen for someone else," Mohler concluded.

For more information or to donate or volunteer with SAAF, visit http://supportamericas