Hire America’s Heroes to hold free career day

Event at Cheney Stadium followed by Rainiers’ game

By Melissa Renahan on August 25, 2011

To kick off the long Labor Day weekend, Hire America's Heroes (HAH), a non-profit organization comprised of corporations that advocate the hiring of veterans among other companies, will host a Career Day. Geared to helping military find work in the corporate sector, the event, co-sponsored by the Tacoma Rainiers' organization, will be held in the Summit Club at Tacoma's Cheney Stadium Sept. 2 starting at 9 a.m.

"This is not an ordinary military career fair, but rather an opportunity to really target the company you want to work for in your second career. You'll have the chance to work with counselors to identify the companies of interest to you, determine the exact job or jobs you can perform and meet with company representatives for informational interviews," said Marjorie James, president of HAH.

The Career Day is open to all Servicemembers, across all branches, who are seeking, or preparing to seek, jobs in the civilian workforce. The event is also open to caregivers, wounded warriors, military spouses and family members.

"Hire America's Heroes' career coaches, who understand both military and corporate worlds, will be ready to help tailor your resume to the companies and jobs of interest to you," explained James. "However, we are limited to offering this special coaching to just 130 candidates that day."

Though there is no charge for military to attend the event, job seekers should pre-register, especially since the coaching appointments are being scheduled strictly on a first-come, first-served basis. There are also two free, hour-long webinars to prepare for Career Day, scheduled for August 16 and 24. To register and get more details, visit https://www.regonline.com?eventID=984651&rTypeID=508436.

After Career Day, participants are invited to stay for the evening game between the Tacoma Rainiers and the Fresno Grizzlies. Free game tickets will given to the first 750 attendees at Career Day. The tickets will also include a free ballpark meal, a complimentary game program and a great view of the Friday night fireworks show.