Phantasmagorical pop

Seapony: aqueous, equine, awesome

By Jason Baxter on December 8, 2010

Inspired by greats like the Softies, the Field Mice and Beat Happening, Seattle trio Seapony's confectionary lo-fi pop has already caught the attention of DJs and bloggers nationwide, despite the band's relative infancy (they formed over the summer). And though their song "With You" has the unfortunate distinction of evoking Best Coast's like-minded "When I'm With You" in both name, vibe and central lyric, it stands on its own as a fine example of how best to squeeze new life from the well-wrung retro-pop genre. Seapony's Jen Weidl and Danny Rowland corresponded with me in anticipation of their upcoming show with Weed at Northern on Sunday.

WEEKLY VOLCANO: Tell us about the new full-length that's on the way. When will it be ready to let loose on the world?

JEN WEIDL: We're working on it right now! It's still in the super early stages of development. ... Right now we're writing and recording new material.

VOLCANO: Pitchfork Media compared your aesthetic to that of chillwave acts and other contemporary, sun-soaked electronic musicians. Where do you guys take your inspiration for things like album art and show posters?

WEIDL: Double Denim chose the cover for the Dreaming 7-inch. We thought it was pretty dreamy and rad. We've never made a show poster. Will from the band Weed made a poster for our show at Northern. It's pretty much amazing.  

VOLCANO: Is your jaunt with Weed really just a three-day "micro-tour"?

WEIDL: (We play) Vancouver Friday night at Zoo Zhop, Seattle Saturday at Healthy Times Fun Club (with Wild Pack of Canaries and New Lights by Dead Vines) and Sunday in Olympia at Northern. We're really excited to play with Weed and to be playing all-ages spaces every night.

VOLCANO: I'd love to know more about how you guys hooked up with Double Denim records. Your EP was self-released through Bandcamp ... have you guys found a label for the full-length LP?

WEIDL: We put our EP on Bandcamp just as a way to get some of our music out there. Double Denim blogged about the EP and then e-mailed asking if we wanted to put out a 7-inch. We totally did. Vinyl makes the songs sound extra warm and dreamy.

DANNY ROWLAND: There's a full length in the works and we're going to make an announcement about it soon!


Sunday, Dec. 12, 8 p.m., all ages
Northern, 321 Fourth Ave., Olympia