The Dirty Birds

The Dirty Birds

Tim Brown, Jimmi Davies, Scott Swayze, Mike Trobman


Straight up rock. Thanks, but no chaser. Some wild ass guitar riffs are overly amplified through a dusty wood box full of watts, get assaulted by a snootful of yakkity sax, and somehow the two end up having a beer at the end of the night. A certifiable headcase hollers and croons and occasionally spits whiskey all over the harp while in the back, like some 'Nam era belly gunner, the drummer mows you down, without remorse. And yet, while all of this madness happens up there in the spotlight, your ears are strangely drawn over to that dark corner of the stage... the bass frequencies spewing forth spurn your heartmuscles into a gallop. Is it fun? Hell yeah it's fun. It's the South Sound's one and only..... "THE DIRTY BIRDS"!!

Audio Tracks

The Dirty Birds

  1. Paid on Friday

  2. Louisiana Graveyard

  3. White Lightnin' Shine


Comments about "The Dirty Birds"

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Ron Swarner said on Feb. 05, 2010 at 2:26pm

You guys rocked The Swiss last night. I could feel the deep bass from Tim and Mike out front.

We posted a few shots of the band in our Photo Hot Spot in the Bars & Clubs section.

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