Friday, April 6-Sunday, April 8: Jordan World Circus

Puyallup Fairgrounds

By Volcano Staff on April 6, 2012

You might think swinging and flipping over high bars and prancing on two-inch-wide beams are skills only Olympic athletes like Mary Lou Retton can pull off with any degree of grace.  But the performers of the Jordan World Circus have mastered those gymnastic feats, and much more. Their show is full of extremely flexible performers who could wow even the most jaded Olympian.

Where else can you watch men your dad's age twist their bodies into pretzel shapes?

Marvel at the exotic animals, clap and rub your tummy simultaneously over the incredible balancing feats by Deiter Galambos, gasp in awe at the Dangerzone Rider in the globe of death, and be deeply, deeply frightened by the clowns.

[Puyallup Fairgrounds Paulhamus Arena, 4 and 7:30 p.m. April 6, 11 a.m., 3 and 7 p.m. April 7, 1 and 5 p.m. April 8, $12-$16, Ninth and meridian, Puyallup, 253.841.5045]