Friday, Sept. 9: Learning Team

The Den @ urbanXchange

By Matt Driscoll on September 7, 2011

You can hardly blame contemporary indie bands from wanting to venture to a happy, more peaceful, less wholly-craptacular place through music. With the world around us disintegrating into bickering, hopelessness, tireless marketing campaigns, rampant stupidity and way more hapless finger-pointing than answers, a break from it all would be nice for anyone. If that means white kids with scruffy beards and liberal arts degrees need to go all folk and campfire and hand claps on us, so be it I guess.  Bellingham's Learning Team, in Tacoma Friday for a show at the Den with the Royal Sea, is a band capable of delivering such a respite, at least sonically - which is about all we can hope for these days. A indie folk mélange that ends up somewhere similar to bands like Cave Singers and their ilk (albeit taking a more circuitous route), Learning Team is a band well suited for a nap on the grass or an afternoon of no responsibility. Billed as a "summer rock" band, The Royal Sea (also from Bellingham) should only sweeten the deal. 

[The Den @ UrbanXchange, 8 p.m., all ages, 1934 Pacific Ave., Tacoma]