Through Oct. 29: "The Love List"

Harlequin Productions

By Christian Carvajal on September 28, 2011

Originally, the next slot at Harlequin Productions was to be filled by my favorite play of all time, Cyrano de Bergerac. ("We are the Gascony cadets!") So imagine my disappointment when that show's lead, Kerry Skalsky, tore his Achilles tendon, forcing director Scot Whitney into panic mode. His solution? Revive one of his company's biggest hits, a Norm Foster farce called The Love List, in which Bill (Gerald Browning) is asked to enumerate the top 10 qualities of his ideal woman. Then that woman (Alison Monda) walks into his apartment. As Whitney's tag line advises, "Be careful what you wish for!" Foster is often called "Canada's most produced playwright," and he's certainly among its most prolific. Well, The Love List is one of his funniest efforts, boasting guaranteed laughs and, in this run, a promising cast. 

To read Christian Carvajal's review of The Love List, click here.

[Harlequin Productions, The Love List, Sept. 29-Oct. 29, 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, $31, 202 Fourth Ave. E., Olympia, 360.786.0151]