Friday, Aug. 19: Bandolier

The New Frontier Lounge

By Rev. Adam McKinney on August 17, 2011

There is a certain honey-drenched, sunny pop sound that is often aspired toward by bands seeking to reclaim a classic '60s and '70s aesthetic. It can be hard to achieve, but Bandolier does well at approaching this quality in a clean and honest way. Theirs is a sincere embodiment of that carefree love of music that sometimes gets lost on the road to street cred or alternative posturing. Bandolier cares about little more than the careful crafting of a hook and the exuberant live show experience. The band exceeds in spades at both endeavors, as Friday's CD release party will surely prove. A Bandolier show is a parade of good feelings, perhaps best illustrated by the image of the band members traveling in an intimidating caravan of scooters (which they do). 

[The New Frontier Lounge, with the Dignitaries, Twink the Wonder Kid, Umber Sleeping, White Mystery, DJ Melodica, 8:30 p.m., $5, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, 253.572.4020]