Tuesday, July 5: Old Man Markley

Hell's Kitchen

By Matt Driscoll on July 5, 2011

The safe assumption would be punk and bluegrass don't mix. In fact, one might go as far as to suggest the two genres should avoid each other at all costs - with punk likely to kick bluegrass's ass if the two were to cross paths, or bluegrass likely to loose punk's attention with an epic jam out. While statements like these may hold true much of the time, California's Old Man Markley, playing Hell's Kitchen Tuesday, is a definite exception. An eight-piece comprising musicians that straddle both genres, according to the band's website: "OMM cut its teeth playing countless jams of bluegrass standards and covers of distinctively un-bluegrass songs done bluegrass style. Soon, out of the chaos grew original material that combined everything the band loved about all the different styles of music the members grew up laying and writing." Judge the creation for yourself this week. 

[Hell's Kitchen, The Fun Police, The Cutwinkles, Love Songs From The Hated, 8 p.m., no cover, 928 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.759.6003]