Friday, Jan. 28: Slowwave

Peabody Waldorf Gallery

By Rev. Adam McKinney on January 26, 2011

For the longest time, I couldn't have told you why those two W's sitting next to each other in the middle of Slowwave made me feel so uneasy.

Slowwave (whom some may know as, formerly, Freeze & Fur Coat) mirror my anxieties with their music, which, lovely though it may be, always maintains a prickly coldness. The songs on their debut EP, Drag Lake Sin, are awash in electronic reverb and slow, steady melodies. But then there are those jittery waves, those chipped beats in the background, threatening to poke holes in Slowwave's hazy cellophane. It's as if Slowwave threatens to - at any moment - rudely jolt you from the transfixed state of their own creation.

Read why the W's bug me in my full story on Slowwave here.


with Hail and Slushy
Friday, Jan. 28, 8 p.m., $5
Peabody Waldorf Gallery, 745 S. Broadway, Tacoma