Saturday, Dec. 18: Deborah Page

Stonegate Pizza

By Matt Driscoll on December 15, 2010

On Tacoma singer and songwriter Deborah Page's impressive website, after clicking on a fire-engulfed guitar, you're taken to a page where quotes from reviewers scroll across the top of the screen. Naturally, the chosen quotes are positive, all (rightfully) coloring Page and the five-piece band that bares her name as a truly unique South Sound act on the up-and-coming list - a ‘90s-bred yet contemporary take on the rock we all grew up on. Well ... except for one. Amidst all the well-earned praise from local journalists of every ilk, there's a quote in there that is typical of the juvenile and somewhat low-brow author given credit for it. "Deborah Page is hot," it says - credited to yours truly. Well, you know what? I stand by that statement. It's not the smartest thing I've ever written, and surely not the most insightful, but facts are facts and I won't back down from my previous assertion - even if there's probably a strong possibility I was high when I wrote it. Not because it's not true, mind you - because it is - rather, I'm just high much of the time ... and so I craft website-ready quotes like, "Deborah Page is hot." Look at me, mom! 

[Stonegate Pizza, with Voxxy Vallejo, 9 p.m., no cover,$5, 5421 S. Tacoma Way, Tacoma, 253.473.2255]