Saturday, July 31: the Revengers

Doyle's Public House

By Matt Driscoll on July 28, 2010

Scraps on the Badlands - it's an evocative name, bringing to mind dusty, forlorn, almost uninhabitable stretches of nothingness, and also (in many ways) Tacoma. This makes sense, considering Revengers, a band spawned by the Biznautics and T-Town itself, and who dropped Scraps on the Badlands late last year, basically ARE Tacoma ... or damn close to it. An album crafted amidst both triumphs and horrible tragedies (producer Tom Pfaeffle died the summer prior to its official release, and Danny "D-Child" Cline - formerly of the Biznautics and fellow T-Town hip-hop act Nasty Left - lost his battle with cancer not long before its release), Scraps on the Badlands is a lyrical, profoundly artistic and haunting ode to the city that spawned it.

"That's a lot of what our record is about, is standing your ground in the face of hardship and not getting beaten up by the world, so we kind of had to live by that," Revengers' Dale Coleman said at the time of the record's release.

The fight continues.

[Doyle's Public House, with guests, 9:30 p.m., no cover, 208 Saint Helens Ave., Tacoma, 253.272.7468]