Friday, April 23: David Bazan

Urban Grace Church

By Matt Driscoll on April 21, 2010

"Tacoma gets a bad rap, but it's always been a good experience when I've played there," David Bazan once told me, prior to a performance in this Gritty City of ours. This week, Bazan - probably best known for Pedro the Lion - once again returns to Tacoma for what should certainly be another memorable, all ages friendly performance in T-town - this time at Urban Grace Church. "I feel guilty because I don't really strive to play all-ages shows. But when they happen they are usually better. Kids love music in a slightly more pure way than grownups," Bazan said way back then. Still, the young and old alike can find something to get behind in the reluctant singer/songwriter's gut wrenchingly painful yet still beautifully melancholy song crafting style. Uber talented and young Tacoma band Hail opens the show 

[Urban Grace Church, with Hail, 8 p.m., all ages, $10, 912 Market St., Tacoma, 253.272.2184]