Red's Valley Pub

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1206 Puyallup Ave
Tacoma,WA 98421
(253) 572-8312

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Northwest Military Review Reviewed by: Steph DeRosa

I made a new best friend at Valley Pub on Pacific Highway, and she goes by "Roxy." The minute I walked into Valley Pub Roxy introduced herself, called me cute, and we took off as friends from there. The manager (I think her name was Vaughn) checked my ID while complimenting me the whole while. It was hot outside, but the doors were propped open and my cold Bud Light draft cooled these insides just the way I like it. Pull tabs, handwritten signs, crappy (duct taped) carpet, wood paneling, mass beer signage, cheap furniture, and a huge-ass jukebox set every neighborhood drunkard up for daytime drinking success at the Valley Pub.


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