Surreal Ultra Lounge (Closed)

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728 Pacific Ave.
Tacoma, WA, 98402
(253) 722-5489

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Northwest Military Review Reviewed by: Steph DeRosa

What the heck is an "ultra lounge" you might ask?  It's a lounge where every guest receives a kiss on the cheek along with a welcoming smile.  Where a DJ spins upbeat, lounge-type music that you can nod your head along with and not feel as though you're going to have an aneurism. (Read: no house music.)  Where you can find tons of couches, plush chairs, and privacy to converse.  Oh, and when I say "converse," I mean it.  The music is audible, but not so loud you're screaming to talk.  VIP Areas available to reserve at

As Bandito Betty and I entered the Surreal space, we were amazed at how decadent, yet cozy the place looked.  Every corner we turned held new and embracing warmth.  The floors were glitter, and drapes hung from the immensely tall ceilings.  In the back room, it was as though we walked into a Palm Springs cabana with palm trees and plenty of comfortable seating. Upstairs we found art-filled walls created by local artist C. Pulley. We also saw more relaxing couches, custom pool tables, and a large television hosting Wii games.

Hours: 11 am-2 am Monday-Friday, 5 pm-2 am Saturday


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