Oly Rockfish Grill

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700 4th Avenue East
Olympia, WA 98506
(360) 753-5700


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Northwest Military Review Reviewed by: Nikki McCoy

Cicada became the Oly Rockfish Grill in October 2012.

The breakfast and lunch menus are virtually the same, and the dinner menu will still have staples like duck and lamb, but the owners say they wants to cut the average ticket price of $28 down to $18, and to establish a more family-friendly environment, complete with kid’s menu.

Sandwiches, meatloaf and macaroni and cheese will be on the kid’s menu.

Rockfish is part of the name to represent the menu that has plenty of the indigenous¸ year-round fish, like blackened rockfish tacos and rockfish and chips.

The back lounge has the game on.


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