Hell's Kitchen

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928 Pacific Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98402
(253) 759-6003


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Northwest Military Review Reviewed by: Volcano Staff

Hell's Kitchen - Tacoma's quintessential rock club - after more than a month of prep-work and anticipation, swung its doors open New Year's Eve at 928 Pacific Ave. in downtown Tacoma. Forced to look for a new location to avoid the law mandated installation of a $60,000 sprinkler system at the old Sixth Avenue location, the new Hell's Kitchen (which already had a sprinkler system in place) is not only an upgrade, but also a way to keep what's quickly become a Tacoma institution running strong. Hell's Kitchen first rocked T-town in 2002, and thanks to its new downtown location, that streak doesn't seem likely to end anytime soon.

In addition to a sparkling new women’s bathroom and a larger kitchen, the new Hell’s Kitchen will have plenty of other new perks and qualities, For one, the occupancy will increased to 422.


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