Gruv Lounge and Nightclub (closed)

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  • Not Rated Yet

Based on 0 Ratings

3829 6th Avenue
Tacoma, WA, 98406
(253) 761-1550

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Northwest Military Review Reviewed by: Brett Cihon

Gruv Lounge is downright awesome.

The club is located where the old Hell's Kitchen used to be. Having never visited the old spot, I ask around to find out how the decor has changed. Most people chuckle.

"Totally different," one patron tells me. "You actually want to go to the bathroom now."

The newly-built Gruv Lounge is expertly decorated: a chic bar, colorful-yet-unobtrusive lighting, a high-ceilinged dance floor adjacent to private karaoke rooms with comfortable seating. The mixed drinks are served in plastic cups that mimic real glass tumblers, showing the club's attention to even minor details.

One thing patrons are sure to find at Gruv Lounge is great music. Calvin Murphy, the club's manager, has been active in Tacoma's DJ scene for years.


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