Kenneth J. Minnaert Center for the Arts

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South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road S.W.
(360) 754-7711

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Northwest Military Review Reviewed by: Volcano Staff

The Kenneth J. Minnaert Center for the Arts is South Puget Sound Community College's signature building. It is the physical symbol of the college's two-decade evolution into a comprehensive community college. The classrooms, labs and practice rooms provide much-needed facilities for Humanities and Communication Division staff, faculty and students.

The Center's 500-seat Main Stage theatre and Black Box theatre provide home stages for the college's Theatre Program. Music students have classrooms for choir, instrumental music and electronic music, as well as practice rooms and a secure place to store instruments. The building houses a general art lab, a ceramics lab, a lab for drawing and printmaking and an exhibition gallery for the public to view student works.

The Minnaert Center provides an important point of contact for the college and the community. It serves as a community resource and asset, and offers an additional choice for spectators and patrons of the arts.

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