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Saturday, June 1: Gaytheist

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Saturday, June 1: Gaytheist

This is once again another opportunity for me to throw this lesson out there: if you're interested in getting write-ups for your band, give them the most kick-ass name you can think of. Thankfully, besides having one of the coolest names this side of DJ Ted Dancin' (totally real), Gaytheist

Tuesday, June 4: Plant Parenthood

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Tuesday, June 4: Plant Parenthood

I wonder what pop music historians (read: nerds) would consider to be the first bedroom pop album. A case could be made for Paul McCartney's solo debut, McCartney. Recorded at his home in the wake of the Beatles' breakup, it touts many of what would become the defining characteristics of

Riff economy


Riff economy

Looking at the Facebook page for Levels, the only information they offer is that they are a "Seattle-based band." The end. Clicking on to listen to their album, it's easy to see why they don't feel the need to elaborate on who they are or what they do. From the

Saturday, May 25: Peter Tietjen & The Balloon Power Challenge

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Saturday, May 25: Peter Tietjen & The Balloon Power Challenge

[ART ROCK] + SAT, MAY 25 As a musical presence in the Tacoma scene, Peter Tietjen's projects have always stood out as fiercely, almost stubbornly individualistic. Throughout his various incarnations as Umber Sleeping and I Like Science, not to mention the lineup changes that those bands underwent,

Thursday, May 30: The Sweeteners

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Thursday, May 30: The Sweeteners

When I learned the Sweeteners are residents of Aberdeen via Anchorage, it made total sense. Their grunge-tinged garage rock is so distinctly reminiscent of these grey, blue-collar towns - the same towns that birthed guitar-worshiping notables such as Nirvana and Modest Mouse (not to get into

Friday, May 24: Levels

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Friday, May 24: Levels

Looking at the Facebook page for Levels, the only information they offer is that they are a "Seattle-based band." The end. Clicking on to listen to their album, it's easy to see why they don't feel the need to elaborate on who they are or what they do. From the

Finding solace in blackouts


Finding solace in blackouts

With their song, "Theme From Cheers," Titus Andronicus took a desire for alcohol as an escape from the pain of everyday living and turned it into one of the great anthemic rallying cries of 2010. Patrick Stickle's impassioned plea to "give me a Guinness, give me a Keystone Light, give

Tuesday, May 21: Week of Wonders

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Tuesday, May 21: Week of Wonders

Week of Wonders describe their music as "tropical punk," which I suppose is as good a place to start as anywhere. What do they mean when they say this? Upon first listening, the lo-fi guitars and reverb-laden vocals call to mind any of many psychedelic pop revivalists, but then that

Saturday, May 18: mARMITs

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Saturday, May 18: mARMITs

A few years ago, I wrote about a band called Mr. Frederick - a band that I called "indescribable." It was a project from a guy called Justin Stimson and it blended seemingly incompatible elements like rap-rock, folk, prog and chamber pop. It was a complex soup, and it inexplicably

Friday, May 17: And And And

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Friday, May 17: And And And

With their song, "Theme From Cheers," Titus Andronicus took a desire for alcohol as an escape from the pain of everyday living and turned it into one of the great anthemic rallying cries of 2010. Patrick Stickle's impassioned plea to "give me a Guinness, give me a Keystone Light, give

Thursday, May 16: Rose Windows

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Thursday, May 16: Rose Windows

As I've said before, the hunt for nostalgia in contemporary music has been both a blessing and a curse, as bands have found and emulated long-forgotten artists and influences to varying degrees of success. At its worst, this kind of emulation comes across as the pandering output of those who

Friday, May 10: The Super 8

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Friday, May 10: The Super 8

There's a kind of gauzy, depressive Americana that began spreading around in the '90s, spearheaded by the likes of Bill Callahan and Lambchop - these masters and practitioners of the slow-burning, baritone-voiced folk music that reveled in cynical humor as much as poignantly expressive dirges. The Super 8 are instantly

Friday, May 3: The West

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Friday, May 3: The West

From the first, striding chords and skittering drums on album opener, "It Was Disco and It's Over," the West succeed in evoking a dozen beloved influences - from newly deified type like LCD Soundsystem to time-tested gods like New Order. Clearly, the members of the West have an ear for

Friday, May 3: RowHouse

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Friday, May 3: RowHouse

It's been a pleasure over the past while to watch as RowHouse grew and changed and inevitably found its feet. Fronted by Alex Tapia - previously of Bayonet - RowHouse has finally settled itself into a comfortable groove as a two-piece. Manning the drums are Gary Kawamura, of the jazz

Wednesday, April 24: Sabrina Chap

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Wednesday, April 24: Sabrina Chap

When you build your act and your music around theatricality, you quickly realize after making a few recordings that there is eventually no place to go but bigger and bigger. More hooks, more color, more eccentricity. Sabrina Chap has backed herself against this wall, but she continues to imbue her

Friday, April 19: Hands In

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Friday, April 19: Hands In

The first time I saw Hands In, it was in a basement in South Tacoma. All I knew about what I was going to see was that it was a one-man band from Portland. In practice, Hands Is made up of one guy, a series of pre-programmed beats and melodies,

Sunday, April 14: Sadie and the Blue-Eyed Devils

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Sunday, April 14: Sadie and the Blue-Eyed Devils

With all of these new bands turning their eyes backward in time, it becomes something of a wash to find unique voices amongst the nostalgia. For Sadie and the Blue-Eyed Devils - an act that specializes in reviving the sounds of Dust Bowl-era music - the charm comes from the

Saturday, April 13: Wild Moth

We Recommend

Saturday, April 13: Wild Moth

The formula of "loud-quiet-loud," as formalized by the Pixies and popularized by bands like Nirvana, is a deceptively simple, yet frequently engrossing, way of assembling songs. These frantic bursts of noise that encapsulate stretches of gentle reflection - it's a hell of a way to demand attention from a listener.

Saturday, April 6: Party Mountain

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Saturday, April 6: Party Mountain

Having just heard the name of the band, Party Mountain, what kind of music would you imagine it plays? I bet you'd be pretty close. Craggy, shambolic rock that lends itself perfectly to the swilling of vast quantities of beer just about sums it up. Though the band has only

Saturday, April 6: Gems

We Recommend

Saturday, April 6: Gems

Gems will be releasing their new 12", Tall Mountain, on Saturday. While they sound good on record, the best way to take in Gems is to see the band live. Made up of two DJs and two drummers, it manages to pull off the neat trick of the two-drummer band

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