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What a Ketcham

I ran into a friend from an art class at the University of Washington, Tacoma. I took the class because I needed an art credit for my minor in education. Burk Ketcham took the class to workshop some socially conscious art that he was creating for United for Peace, Pierce


No shotgun for me

I rarely toss the word discrimination around, but this week I have to. Here in the United States of America we the people are often discriminated against due to race, class, gender, religion, sexual orientation and so on. But I have one more category to add to that list that’s been getting


Regents Boulevard

Weekly Volcano is perplexed. The News Tribune’s series on South Tacoma Way was fine and dandy. However, they missed the boat completely. Regents Boulevard is the greatest street in the universe. It deserves a million words a week in print. Probably a trillion. Ah Regents, where the curbs are exquisitely painted the


Top of Tacoma Bar

I’m winning. I invested in Tacoma five years ago amid such scrutiny for locating in Tacoma, let alone choosing to buy a home on the Eastside. Now, the home I purchased has more than doubled in value and I’m just 1.5 miles away from a downtown that’s bustling with life and options. Along


Repeat worthy

I visited the Tacoma Art Museum again last week. Having already seen most of what’s on display, I went back to see what I’d missed and re-view shows I’ve already written about. Guess what. Mary Randlett’s Puget Sound landscape photographs are still as hauntingly beautiful as ever, and the quilts


Haunted House round up

A big bowl of spook can be found in Auburn. "The House of Terror Haunted House at the SuperMall" runs now through Halloween. This is a house where no expense was spared to clear the bladders and the bowels of those who attend. The price for The House of Terror


The fright stuff & son

Editor\'s note: New permit laws have forced the closure of the Sanford & Son Haunted house for 2007. Anyone who drives around in Tacoma’s Theater District has probably noticed some mysterious A-board signs that have popped up along Ninth Avenue and Broadway. They read "Haunted House Here: 745 St. Helens — Oct.



With each Radiohead album, the listener is introduced to a completely unique musical experience. From The Bends to Hail to the Thief, Radiohead shifts in an entirely different musical direction. These are not only shifts in musical style but also shifts in the emotions the music invokes in the listener.



Now playing in theaters

3:10 TO YUMA: Christian Bale plays an Easterner who lost a leg in the Civil War and has now come to the Arizona territory to try ranching.  Russell Crowe plays the vicious leader of a gang feared in the territory.  Almost by unlucky fate, the rancher joins a posse to


No End In Sight

A documentary featuring devastating testimony from men and women who had top government or military jobs, had responsibility in Iraq or Washington, implemented policy, filed reports, labored faithfully in the service of U.S. foreign policy, and then left the government. Some jumped, some were pushed. They all feel disillusioned about


Local music on the airwaves

There is a steady throb emanating from deep within the belly of the student union building at University of Puget Sound. The sound comes from a dark cave-like corner of the basement that is hidden behind a door that is cloaked in band stickers and show posters. The sign on


Dresses to dressers

Sanford and Sons Middle Floor Merchants have a tight grip on what the fashion-conscious want — dresses to dressers; handmade soaps to hand massages, scarves of silk to silk satchels. Park on Broadway, waltz in to Sanford and Sons (try not to be distracted by all the great antiques, you


You wanna rock?

The Boss Martians — who will play Hell’s Kitchen Saturday, Oct. 13 along with Dragstrip Riot and The Dirty Birds — may quite possibly be one of the most underappreciated bands currently calling the Northwest home. Not that the Boss Martians aren’t loved by many — because they are. And



From head to toe, social celebrity (or so-lebrity, as we like to say) Najamonique is one hot, confident lady. Whether she’s cutting hair at Supernova Hair & Tattoo, doing band promotion, singing on stage or collaborating with area fashion designers, Naja is the epitome of bold and sassy. Her hair is


Composing Utopia with words

Last weekend Articipatory Music happened at the Olympia Community Free School during “A giant party for a better world,” the Love, Imagine, Network, Kindness (LINK) Symposium, an extension of “A World Beyond Capitalism,” The Third Annual International Multiracial Alliance Building Peace Conference. An activist folk music collective called Riotfolk performed


Kyle Eastwood, Fierce Perm and Jason Webley

Thursday, Oct. 11 FOLK ROCK chris bramble band Political awareness and social consciousness were the driving forces behind the majority of the ’60s and early ’70s music scenes. Singers and songwriters were outspoken critics of the unjust war in Vietnam, supporters of women’s rights and environmental issues. What happen? Why don’t artists


Cheap eats

Food fads change rapidly. Restaurants try to keep up and offer what they think the public wants. That’s a mean feat with so many factors to consider: location, menu wording, ingredients and taste, preparation, presentation, service, cost. With the price of gas rising, so rises the price of so many


Mmmm, mmmm, good

ANNOUNCER: Weaned on Campbell’s chicken noodle and tomato canned soups, the boys’ soupy palates have broadened considerably over the years. They still get a hankering now and then for trusty ol’ Campbell’s; maybe it’s the sodium they crave. At any rate, while they do enjoy an elaborate seven-course meal, there’s


Tool, Kid Rock and others on sale

SECRET TICKET CODE TM = Ticketmaster, (253) 627-TIXS, TW = TicketsWest, (800) 325-SEAT, TWEB = Ticketweb, (866) 468-7623, on sale now Lucero, Bobby Bare Jr., Whiskey & Co. Seattle. Oct. 17 9 pm. $13 (Crocodile Café, TW). Junior Brown Seattle. Oct. 24 9 pm. $25 (Tractor Tavern, TWeb). Luciana Souza Seattle. Oct. 30 7:30

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