Talking to dead people

Habla Muerto unveils new line of locally made and designed talking boards

By Matt Driscoll on October 24, 2010

When it comes to spooky Halloween shit, it doesn't get much more quintessential than talking to dead people. Enter the classic "Ouija Board," which may be the perfect way for you and your buddies to make contact with the afterlife, or at the very least kick back a few beers and feel the hair on the back of your neck rise.

Contemporary Ouija Boards are simply a Parker Brothers trademarked version of the age-old "talking board," which have been in existence since 1100 B.C. and China's Song Dynasty. Later associated with the occult by religious zealots, the idea behind talking boards hasn't changed much over the years: they still require belief (or suspension of disbelief) on the part of users, and (some will still tell you) when harnessed correctly they allow a portal of communication to the afterlife.

Whatever your personal feelings, it doesn't take much insight to realize talking boards are a lightning rod for conversation, and over the years they've taken some pretty amazing and beautiful forms. Paying homage to that history, and also hoping to capitalize on the combination of art, superstition and kitsch that has made talking boards famous, York Sandifer - who prefers to go by "Yorkatron" - recently launched Habla Muerto, a project by which he's released several super-cool, artistically fascinating, locally-made talking boards (examples of which can be found at

Having graced the pages of this fine rag in the past for his involvement with the Rock n Roll Craft Show, Yorkatron recently sat down with the Volcano in preparation for Halloween to give us the lowdown on his new line of talking boards.

WEEKLY VOLCANO: How did this whole idea come about?

YORKATRON: I was sitting down with my psychic, (yes I have a psychic I also have a hypnotherapist that programs me for success) and we were talking about a new supersized project for me to dive into. She mentioned it, and I started drawing. I wanted to do something that would rattle people a bit, and would spark conversation as soon as you laid eyes on it. I guess I wanted to do something steeped in tradition that would be cherished and held onto.

VOLCANO: Why talking boards?

YORKATRON: If you say the word "Ouija," or someone sees a board, they undoubtedly have a lot to say about it. It's an amazing social fantasy. People are freaked out by them; they're surrounded by tons of urban myths and religious psychobabble; there really isn't anything quite like them in the world ... so naturally I wanted to put my spin on it. 

VOLCANO: Do they work?

YORKATRON: Talking boards depend on the user. I've never had one not work. But whether they work or not is up to you - all you can do is try. The greatest thing to me about any talking board is that they're amazing pieces of art from many different time periods. I have more than one hanging on my walls. 

More info can be found at