New kid in town

Stephen Langer replaces Joe Hyer in a cloud of dust and weed smoke

By Nikki Talotta on May 25, 2010

Olympia made a decision last week. Stephen M. Langer will replace Joe Hyer as city councilman.  In case your short-term memory is shot, Hyer was the prominent Olympia City Councilmember and mayor pro tem recently charged with dealing pot. He resigned last month - creating the vacancy that Langer will fill.

An interview process was developed to accommodate the situation. A panel of council members interviewed ten applicants. The idea was to compile a short list of 3-5 applicants to be reviewed the next day, but because a unanimous vote was made in favor of Langer, he was chosen prior to that second review and will be appointed this week.

So who is this man everyone agreed on?

Well, Stephen Langer is a father, a husband, and an identical twin. He's 54. He's a clinical psychologist and director of the Northwest Brief Therapy Training Clinic, where he trains mental health professionals in solution-focused psychotherapy skills. He enjoys reading about medieval Europe. He rides his bike as much as possible. He's an environmentalist.

And now he's a council member and a representative of the people - a position he takes on with grace and intent.

"I feel becoming a city council member is a good way to serve my community and have some influence over the shaping of our common destiny," says Langer.

And what kind of influence will that be?

Langer's concerns are relevant and his ideas well considered. For instance, he supports the city buying the Diamond Parking lot in downtown Olympia that currently houses the artesian well. Langer proposes creating a mini-park that celebrates the well known well and allows the public access to clean water. He would also like to tap into other well locations through out the city.

Langer is equally aware of the need to implement change for the Capitol Lake.

"Capitol Lake is in trouble," Langer says. "It is an unnatural system. It is filling up with sediment and is unsustainable in its current form."

Langer wants to consider returning the lake to an estuary or a combination estuary and freshwater lake fed by the artesian well. "We need to bring the system back into balance," he says.

As far as funds go, and considering the current economic troubles gripping most municipalities, including Olympia, Langer explains there is a structural problem with the income the city gets versus the inflation rate. Langer wants voters to be able to have a voice in the reconstruction of that system. "We need to fix that so we can get back to stable budgets rather than continuing to have to cut services," he says.

Some of the services facing cuts address Langer's concern for downtown safety. The new council member believes a preventative approach to crime - like more walking police street patrol would be beneficial to the community.

Speaking of cops, what does he think about marijuana laws, and Joe Hyer?

"I believe we should spend our precious resources on things other than chasing people who smoke pot," he says of weed laws.  "But clearly enforce driving under the influence," he adds.

And Hyer?

"The whole situation is really sad on a number of levels. This is like a Greek tragedy with elements of betrayal, poor judgment, and destruction of reputations of otherwise talented people. Wow," he says.

Langer's term will last until the next election in November 2011. Based on his overwhelming acceptance, and qualified experience, many expect Langer to do well in the position. We can only hope.