DIVE IN: Steilacoom Pub & Grill

Good to be back

By Steph DeRosa on February 19, 2009

I remember it being called Steilacoom Pub and Deli from my days of living in Lego Land — oops, I mean DuPont.  Not only is Steilacoom one of the most beautiful and historic cities bordering a waste treatment plant, but it is also THE place to go for beer selection, neighbors, and days out with the family.
Due to numerous Bar Exam requests, I found it necessary to return to the (now) Steilacoom Pub and Grill for their infamous Wednesday night trivia.  What I soon realized was how wonderfully changed my favorite Steilacoom sandwich and suds place had become.  With walls knocked down, kitchen expanded, bathroom added, and pizza soon to be on the menu — this was still somehow the Steilacoom Pub I had always known and loved.  Yes, there was still that crappy small bathroom in the back corner, and yes there was still the old wooden bar hosting obscene amounts of rare bottled beers that you could (gasp!) take home with you. And yes, that pinball machine with an Alec Baldwin-looking character on it still remains in the bar.  My heart raced as if I had just spotted my high school boyfriend at out 20-year reunion. Slightly changed over the years, yet even better looking.
Hell, even the trivia was all upgraded and shit.  Flat screens on the walls, new sound system, and a kick ass questionnaire complete with videos, pictures, and sweet pot. Wait, what?  I mean pot of money for winnings, you silly tokers.
Eight of the 26 beers on tap were your average cheap domestics, while the rest took resemblance to what “imports” most dives would have.  Well, minus the Harmon beer on tap.  Seeing that on tap friggen’ rocked my socks.  And so did Ryan the bartender.  But not Dave the trivia guy — All he did was made me look trivia-stupid.

Steilacoom Pub & Grill

1202 Rainier St., ââ�¬Â¨Steilacoom, 253.584.7693

Food: Ice cream and sandwiches please!
Service: Lovely
Beer: A lot of cold flavors to be had
Bar Exam Dive Grade: B