Steph DeRosa treated her wong

By Steph DeRosa on January 29, 2009

There are three women who own Urban Gourmet on Sixth Avenue in Tacoma. The lucky one who was on the clock during my last visit was Terry Wong. She’s never had a problem chatting it up with me when I’ve dropped in before, but wouldn’t you know as soon as I ask her for a real interview she tells me she’s shy. Since she was playing the “shy” card, I opted out of embarrassing her with questions about working kitchen gadgets into the bedroom. Instead I played with her silicon spatulas and sniffed her spice jars. After I came down from the basil high, I proceeded to ask her things only a Terry Wong could answer.

STEPH DEROSA: Tell me something about yourself that people don’t know.

TERRY WONG: I’m not Chinese.

DEROSA: I know that, Terry. You don’t even look Chinese.

WONG: Well, with the last name “Wong,” people think I’m Chinese.

DEROSA: Do people really think you’re Chinese?

WONG: Yep. I say my last name and they say, “You don’t sound Chinese.”

DEROSA: Are you serious? Do you say, “What a coincidence, you don’t sound stupid”?

WONG: Noooooo, I don’t say that!

DEROSA: I would. So, do you keep the illegal herbs on the top shelf here? Can I climb the ladder?

WONG: We don’t have illegal herbs, Steph. And I’ll climb the ladder if you need anything.

DEROSA: But you have catnip, right? That gets me, I mean cats, high. I’m surprised it’s not illegal. What other hallucinogens do you have hiding up there behind your secret jars?

WONG: None. And I told you I’d climb the ladder, please get down.

DEROSA: Sounds like you’re trying to hide something. I better take a look for myself. Do you have anything that can get me, I mean dogs, loopy lazy as well?

WONG: We just have catnip, if that’s what you’re thinking about.

DEROSA: How unfair for the dogs that the cats get to have all the fun. Wow, you guys keep it dusted up here on the top shelf. I’m impressed.

WONG: For the last time, Steph, get off the ladder. And put away the catnip.

DEROSA: Fine. I never pegged you for a Chinese party pooper, Terry. Have anything to cure the munchies?

WONG: Get out.

[Urban Gourmet, 2602 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.272.3111]