DIVE IN: Buds Saloon and Steakhouse

Not quite a dive

By Steph DeRosa on July 3, 2008

I had been dying to go into Bud’s of Milton for many years, and today I finally got my chance.

Bartender Trish was one of the nicest and most personable bartenders I’ve ever seen in action. She knew everyone in there by name (I think half of them were Bud’s employees anyway), had a clever smile the entire time, and carried on multiple friendly conversations as if she were Sybil herself.

Bad carpeting, pull-tabs, steak specials (Blue Moon Mondays!) and plenty of beer signage once again made the aesthetics that of a true dive bar. About four domestics sat cold on tap along with four micro-domestics. My cool Bud Light was nice and tasty for sure.

Bud’s is huge, and hosts a DJ every Friday and Saturday night. One of the employees let me know that Saturday was more on the “country white” side, while Friday’s were “more on the dark side.” I appreciated his honesty, and the grand tour he gave me.

The best part was the people sitting around the bar. One fella walked in with no shoes, and discussion began as he tried to remember where he left them. Everyone was laughing, everyone was nice. Everyone except one: A gentleman walked in and sat next to me only to start emulating some sort of drama queen — talking about the arrival of some guy he didn’t like, and how dare he park next to so-and-so. Good grief. I wondered if he was about to start his period. He further proved himself as he started bullying me with his back turned to me. Man up, dude. If you’re going to spew asshole comments to me, have enough balls to turn around and do it to my face.

But I suppose every dive bar has to have at least one cranky woman.

Buds Saloon and Steakhouse

2702 Milton Way, Milton, 253.952.7665

Food: Wings!
Beer: Perfect pour
Service: Outstanding

Bar Exam Dive Bar Grade: C+