Eleven on the 11

Touring the north end with the Husky by bus

By Natasha Gorbachev on August 9, 2007

All of you dearly-devoted readers know what a fierce advocate I am for public transportation, especially Pierce Transit.

And hooray, I‘ve discovered one more way that Pierce Transit really, truly is the Scene of the Crime.

The Husky, being of sound mind and body, offered us a public transportation concept that was undeniably fun.

It‘s called the Eleven on the 11.

For those of you suckers who don‘t know, the #11 bus is a major connector between so many of Tacoma‘s destination and dive bars and restaurants. Courtesy of The Husky‘s tour, we visited 11 of them.

Our day started at 10 a.m. at Wow‘s Etc. for breakfast with mimosas amongst nine friends. Coating the stomach with a protective layer of Wow‘s hearty breakfast paid off later.

Since there were newbie bus riders among us, we each took turns pulling the chord at The Husky‘s command, and we laughed every time.

We departed on the lucky #11 to Proctor for stops at Knapp‘s and the North End Tavern.

Then it was back on the bus for Terry‘s Office Tavern and another quick jaunt to the Unicorn Tavern. On the way there, we spotted one of the best signs I‘ve ever seen on the garage of a home, reading “Bad shit will happen if you park here.” Cell phone cameras clicked away.

After the Corn, we jumped back on the bus for a quick one at the Goldfish, then we hustled back to Proctor and La Fondita for some perfectly-timed lunch. That scrumptious burrito in their new gorgeous bar hit the spot!

Predictions were flying as to how many of the nine original crawlers would actually make it to all 11 locations. After the La Fondita, we lost two. I‘m always amazed at how ambitious little people can be when it comes to booze.

To round out the crawl, we headed to Magoo‘s, Hank’s, the Parkway and Doyle‘s. Yah!

Two more of our good folks bowed out at Magoo‘s, but five of us went strong with the refined skill of an Olympic athlete.

The lovely Doyle‘s bartenders were surprised at how well I was personally holding up after all of that love, but that‘s just how we nightlife warriors roll.

As a dedicated rider (quite sober all other times), I sincerely have to thank each of the bus drivers who put up with us, and actually supported our shenanigans and hoopla. One actually applauded us each and every time we got on and departed.

So what‘s the moral of this story, my little chickadees? Take the freakin’ bus! We have an incredible public transportation system, which will help you reduce your environmental footprint, get you to your destinations safe and sound, AND hook you up with endless opportunities, just like the Eleven on the 11.